a graphic of the Brats club logo

just a graphic of the foundation course

Link to general information about the FL course

Link to Licence conditions   Link to technical basics   Link to feeders and antennas

Link to Transmitters and Receivers   Link to Propagation   Link to pages on Safety   Link to Electromagnetic Compatibility

Link to Operating practice and proceedure    Link to the general index page at the start of the Foundation licence section

Schedule of Frequency bands

This indicates the Frequency band in MHz, the Status of allocation in UK, the Status of allocation in UK to the Amateur Satellite service and the Maximum Peak envelope power.

Questions in exams could ask about any of these and all the student needs to do is look at the sheet and find the answer but it does mean you need to have had a good look through the sheet to understand what it is displaying.

This is the schedule which is available in the examination.

The table is used in the section Licence conditions.

The above graphic is copyright RSGB

Click here to go to Licence conditions index
