Written assessment information
Please note that written assessment papers will have 26 questions and the pass mark will be 19 questions answered correctly. There is no opportunity for unsuccessful candidates to take an immediate re-sit, BUT booking another exam can be done immediately in consultation with your lead instructor.
In the written assessment you are given several sheets.
Please read copies carefully before the written assessment. You need to fully understand the sheets.
If you go through the Syllabus for the Foundation Licence course syllabus and marked up how the questions relate to the syllabus sections you will find out the following :-
At least 2 questions need the paper work with the title "Foundation Licence parameters"
At least two questions need the paper work with either the title "Frequency Allocation Table" or the "Frequency to Wavelength Chart" or both.
At least two questions need the paper work with the title "RSGB Band Plans" as they cover the followingsyllabus sections 7B1 and 7B2.
Knowing this would give you a good chance of picking up 6 marks just by reading the paperwork and selecting the right answer from it.
We would like to thank the RSGB examination department for permission to provide information on the paper work included in the examination on this web site.